Anastasios Yiannakidis | Blog

Open Graph

What is Open Graph?

Open Graph is a protocol which transforms web pages into graph objects in a social graph. This can be done by placing Open Graph meta tags in the head of a webpage.

How do I make use of it?

I have used the basic Metadata which are:

"og:title" "og:type" "og:url" "og:image" "og:description"

example of Open Graph object


What is humans.txt?

It is a txt file that contains information about the people who have contributed to build the website.

How have I configure it for my site?

Since my team is literally me, my humans.txt file looks like this:

/* TEAM */ Chef: Anastasios Yiannakidis Twitter: [ [ a t ] ] y i a n n a k i d e s From: Cyprus, Nicosia /* SITE */ Last update:2017/09/13 Language: English Doctype:HTML5 IDE: Visual Studio Code


What is robots.txt?

The robots.txt file belongs to the REP (robots exclusion protocol) which is a group of web standards. These web standards show how robots can crawl the web and access information. The robots.txt files, let the web crawlers (user agents) to know which parts of the website are allowed to crawl, and which parts are not.

How have I configure it for my site?

Following the instructions of the assignment, I disallow the access to contact me page, from all web crawlers. Also, following my instinct, I disallow also the access to all .jpeg images.

User-agent:* Disallow: /pages/contact.html Disallow: /*.jpg$

.css and .html

Why is it important to seperate the layout and design (css) from content (html)?

One of the reasons is to avoid confusing the purpose of their usage. Htlm should be semantic and css should make the styling. In addition, keeping them in seperate files, is easier to maintain and to debug.

BONUS - Trip to China

A unique experience.
Thanks to Confucius Institute, I did not just travel to China. I experienced the Chinese culture, that I have always admire. The summer camp was way beyond my expectations. We saw and experience as much as we could in just two weeks. Despite the fact I was amazed by the tall buildings and the modern architecture, I also loved the traditional streets, the Hutongs.
It is really impressive how, the modern life and the traditional life blends together.

chinese people on street - black and white photo

Crowded Beijing.

old chinese person cleaning a pan

Down in hutongs.